Meander Books

School/Teacher/Classroom or Arts Organization/Mentor: Urban Arts Academy . Sagirahs Class

Grade Level or Age of Participants: 2nd – 4th

MCAD Teaching Artist:  Kayla Trevino

Number of Students: 10

Overview of Project

Students will design the pages to a meander book. The students will learn how to organize the pages accordingly and folding design. The book will allow for students to practice planning and long term thinking for when it comes to the folding of the pages.

“Big Ideas”/ Essential QUESTION(s)

-Planning ahead

-Practicing story tell / time line planning

-Learning the that types of books can help what you want to depict

-creative learning as they fill the book before it’s folded

Student Outcome Objectives

Students will:

1. Collectively decide if they want to fold the books first or plan out the concept before.

2. Better skills for planning ahead. Weather or not the book is folded or not when they go to fill it in will still allow them to think about the lay out. The students will have to consider the layout of the subject in the book and how they want their story to be told.

3. The books are no more than 2x2 inches, and the small subject allows for them to work on their fine motor skills.

Prior Knowledge

-Paper folding

-Mountains and valleys

-Use of scissors

-Kiss the corners

-Cautious of materials on the paper

Lesson Preparation Timeline

-brush up on your own making skills

-make examples before class, having  many examples for this group works better and allows for the students to are able to dissect the book when they are unable to figure theirs out on the first try.

-if you need to, prep paper

-gather all materials, scissors, bone folders if you fancy, and any creating mark making materials you plan on using.

Examples of Artwork

-I brought many examples they could look at and examples you would be okay with getting ruined as the students try and figure it all out.

Lei Maier

download copy.jpg


Lea, Jamie Kubat

Additional Resources

I found this publication helpful for brushing up on the technique.


Were the students able to work with the small scale?

Were students able to assemble a book with the directions and examples given?

Did the examples help or cause more confusion?

Did students final work represent their ideas?

If yes how, if no what changed?

Are students happy with the outcome of their books? Did they want to make more?


-Enough sheets of your chosen paper for the class.

-Paper for first drafts


-Bone folders

-Coloring materials of your choosing.

Learning Activities and Timing

Total of 45 minutes,

  1. 10 minutes - for introduction to the project and directions and looking through examples. Allow students to really look at examples.

  2. 10 minutes- of step by step instructions with the students. Going through all the steps together for our first drafts.

  3. 15  minutes -for the students to work on a final draft of their books. This includes coloring or writing if they chose.

  4. 5-Minutes of clean up.

  5. 5-Minutes of sharing their books and ideas.

TeachING ARtist Reflection


- frustration in cutting the meander book.

-the change of layout and the book flips when in the making.

Extended Learning

-once a student learns how to make a book out of 1 sheet of paper they are able to continuously make them.

-Once a student learns they can help other students who may be confused sort out their book.