Total Hours This Week: (2 Hours)

Science Museum of Minnesota: Jan Elftmann

February 1st (2 Hours)

I visited Jan Elftmann at the Science Museum of Minnesota this Friday (February 1st). She gave me an in depth tour of the Museum including the secret basement filled with exhibit builders and designers. I made connections with several people including a very interesting young man named Thai Chang. He works in the basement producing exhibits and fun products that the kids and parents can interact with. I also ended up meeting several MCAD Alums who have been working at the science museum for over 30 years now. Interesting enough the Science Museum has many employees who went to MCAD. It was such an amazing experience to meet and see people who are out working in the fields they graduated in. Also the equipment they had was beyond impressive. After visiting, I feel like I can definitely see myself working there someday.

I also ended up walking up and down the piano staircase a few times just because it was so cool!

Jan and I will meet again Friday the 8th at the SMM and I will get to help out with a marble run project for the kids. (10am-12pm)

I will meet with Cameron Browne the 5th and the 8th as well (12:30pm-3:30pm)