TOTAL HOURS THIS WEEK: (6 hours and 10 mins) (-3 hours and 10 mins for Cancelations)

PERPICH: Cameron Browne

February 5th (3 hours 10 mins)

Today I gave an in depth presentation of my career and path as an artist. I showed the students where I started and where I was now, showing them an overwhelming amount of my artwork. I think that the presentation went well and I even showed the students my original files on how the projects had been created. Giving them a better understanding of how I manage my time and workspace. After I was done presenting I asked for questions, which ended up taking the rest of the hour. With the little time that remained afterwards I went around and talked with the students to see what they had been working on. Getting to know them one on one.

I did this for two class periods from 12:30pm to 3:40pm . (3 hours and 10 mins)

Science Museum of Minnesota: Jan Elftmann

February 8th (3 Hours)

Today I went to the Science Museum of Minnesota to meet Jan Elftmann and her class full of kids. The students had been working on a marble run project that was meant to represent the force of gravity. Everyone had to use only the material laying around to create a track for the marble to run through. Materials consisted of pipe cleaners, tape, hot glue, construction paper, wooden dowels, plastic bottles, and plastic cups. With only the limitation of the children’s imagination the kids had to create a track that could keep the marbles moving for a total of 4 seconds. I watched and helped throughout the entire teaching lesson until everyone presented their creations. The students ended up doing a fantastic job and most of them created tracks that lasted more than the required 4 seconds.

My favorite part of today was seeing the students take action on problem solving. When the creation they made didn’t work, the students found or created a solution for the issue. Seeing everyone work so efficiently made me feel like this lesson plan was well thought out.

(Photos soon! Sorry I have them on my drive somewhere)

Time at the SMM: 10:00am to 1:00pm

PERPICH: Cameron Browne

February 8th (School Canceled, -3 hours and 10mins from Total Time)

No progress today
