This week MCTC is on spring break and I have not been to Silverwood so I have no hours to report this week! In my own practice it’s the week before spring break and it’s been particularly stressful. Mid-terms are here and everything is due. In my independent study class I’ve taking a pretty big turn in my installation work. I have recently felt like I’ve been overthinking all of my projects to a point that it doesn’t allow me to engage with actually making. So, to try and combat this I started working with 2x4s and drywall which is very new! I’ve been thinking a lot about spaces, both interior and exterior and how I can complicate our relationship with these concepts. I’m interested in creating abstracted wall structures, incorporating natural materials like dirt, trees, or stone, and creating a space that is neither entirely indoor nor outdoor. I often think of my practice as being material first, so I start with the materials and consider their possibilities in relation to one another. Working with these new materials has allowed me to stop being in my head as much and simply making first and reflecting afterwards. It’s been nice to have the week off from TAing in order to really get into my own practice. Hopefully something positive is coming out of it!