
Today I feel panic. Out of 24 students only 9 turned in their animation assignments. I personally feel that I did not do a good job but John assured me I did well. It is hard to connect with students while being in a pandemic and harder when there is no feedback coming from the students. It’s hard…

 Other than that, the deadline for the animation project has been extended to the end of the quarter and I have made myself available for students who need help with their animations.


There was no class today, time was given to the students to finish their projects.

 I have been feeling frustrated with the lack of work coming from the students with this project.

I think it is because of the pandemic and how it is taking a toll on the morale of the educational system. Teachers are overworked and the students are checked out and there is no way to fix it.  It is evident in the lack of connection between the students and teacher.  Though the Teacher may care for the wellbeing of the students and try to reach out, it does not mean anything if the student does not reciprocate as well.  


 Today is the introduction of our final project. The project incorporates manipulating still and moving images and combining then into one. It is called a cinemagraph. It seems to be a fun and easy project after the animation project.

 John presented a demo to the class and let the class go early to focus on their work.


No Class- However I have made myself available for questions.


Today, we went over how to export  the cinemagraphs and answered commonly asked questions. Afterwards, we let the class go to work on their final projects.

 John and I stayed to answer any questions- no one stayed.