On Friday, I had a meeting with my Practicum instructor with regards to the progress of my final lesson plan. As of now, I’d say that I’m at a pretty good spot, and on track to having a successful lesson plan completed on time. Unfortunately, however, on the same day, Iowa’s Governor Kim Reynolds declared all schools to switch to online learning for the rest of their spring semesters. This also includes Southeast Polk and Four Mile Elementary. This was absolutely devastating news to hear, especially since my younger sister is a senior this year and she can’t go to prom, SKIP day, or walk on graduation. I’ve told both instructor and placement this sudden news and they both agree that I should stick with the original plan and create my Google Slides presentation. As I’ve said, it is absolutely heartbreaking that many students across the state and country are stripped from their school activities. However, I always believe that there will always be some good to come out of any situation, no matter how dreadful it may be. I already plan on recreating my sister’s would’ve been senior experiences in our own house to make up for her loss. She’s unaware of this, but I hope she will find some enjoyment out of my recreations. 

Moving right along to the progress of my presentation, I created my own example of the project yesterday, and I added the pictures to my slides. I hope to either later today or tomorrow morning to add my voice recording of going through each slide to the presentation. From there, I plan on sending my first draft to my practicum instructor for some feedback before I conduct my final draft. It’s a slow and steady process, but if I keep at the pace I’ve been going, I’ll be able to complete this plan by the next Sunday deadline for sure.

As for my breakdown group, I’ve contacted both of my members through text and email to discuss our first meeting. From what I’ve gathered, Monday seems to be the best day for everybody. I’ll try contacting both of them once more to set up a time and confirm that Monday would work later today. If it is that soon, then I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s working in progress.
