Venice Arts- Residency- Issa Sharpe- 8 Hours

With only three weeks left in the class, now two, we worked on creating front and back covers for our zines. We will be creating three zines in all, and have separated the group into a zine by related topics. The topics will be Technology, Science, and Animals. Last week each group started on a collage for their covers, and this week we worked to finish them. 

Since the class is nearing the end, I asked Angela and Issa if the program needed any additional help outside of class. I asked on a good day because two mentors called off for the advanced classes, and Angela, who usually answers phones at this time, stepped up to help with the advanced class. Therefore, they had nobody to answer phones. So I hung around the office for about four more hours than usual and helped record attendance, notify parents whose child was absent and helped with any random concern that came up. It was pretty cool to see Venice Arts after hours. I will be going in later this week to help print for an upcoming exhibition. 

Earlier in the day, before I even offered my additional help, Issa asked me if I could mentor again this summer. She told me I was doing a great job. Since I won't be living in California over the summer, I had to decline.

It was really nice of her to say that. I felt really appreciated.