Thinking through the process

As I begin creating the lesson plan for the Tinfoil man I have come across some problems. I keep thinking about how this plan can be integrated into Ms. Robertson’s classroom. Since everything is so unknown at this time and I wasn’t in the classroom that long, it’s difficult to create a lesson plan specifically for her classroom. After getting the chance to meet with Lynda we came up with a plan to create a demo that can be shared with a bigger audience. In a two-part video, I go through the process of creating an easy stop motion video with materials that can be found in the home. I used a tutorial I found online that better explains the stop motion.

The video was very challenging to figure out. As the process went on I soon realized how complicated this was going to be to teach online. I was trying to be as clear and concise as possible but I know that there are some challenging parts. All in all I think that the video came out okay but I believe, the last part especially will be too challenging for some of the students. With assistance, I think they will do alright.

It was a fun project and I really hope that it can benefit someone someday.