Total Hours This Week: (10 hours and 30 Min)

Expo Elementary: Ulla Tervo-Desnick

April 15th (3 hours and 30 mins)

Today I helped out within the classroom, Ulla let me work with students individually with math and reading. Some of them had trouble with understanding the concepts but I was able to help the students understand the problems better.

Expo Elementary: Ulla Tervo-Desnick

April 19th (7 hours)

Today was my first full school day at Expo. It was a lot of fun!!!! In the morning Ulla played the piano and they practiced singing together and then afterwards the students worked on reading and writing assignments. Following a fun interactive math game that involved yellow squares that represented the number 1, and the students rolled dice to see who could gather the most squares to create 100. We then had snack time and recess.

I was asked by many of the children to play hide and seek on the gigantic playground that expo has. We ended up playing for 15 mins and then it was time to go back inside. we had another snack and then worked on other small assignments for the rest of the day.

Being apart of this classroom is so much fun, the students really make this kind of work interesting! Im excited to keep working with them these next few weeks!

Until next week!

-Avery Nordin