Total Hours This Week: (4 Hours and 0 Mins)

PERPICH: Cameron Browne

March 5th (0 Hours 0 Mins)

Spent this day prepping for Friday the 8th to teach Camerons classroom. I will be showing the students how to create an object in Illustrator and play with it in After Effects.

PERPICH: Cameron Browne

March 8th (4 hours)

Today was my first day teaching in Cameron’s classroom, I created a pamphlet that had step by step directions for the students to follow along with. Overall, I think that my teaching style was calm and collected, giving the students help whenever they needed it. Very fun assignment that gave the students a more detailed and in depth idea of what Illustrator and After Effects can do.

I did this for two class periods from 12:00pm to 4:00pm . (4 Hours)