Total Hours This Week: (3 hours and 20 mins) (-3 hours and 10 mins for Cancelations)

PERPICH: Cameron Browne

February 19th (-3 hours 10 mins)

School Canceled

No Progress to report

PERPICH: Cameron Browne

February 19th (3 hours 20 mins)

Today I was helping students one on one with problems that had been arising within their almost finished walk cycles. Everyone has such a unique style that it was fun for me to see how they all worked in photoshop. Besides that it was a very productive work day and I think the students are finally comfortable enough with me that I can teach them something I know! I talked with Cameron and we think it would be in the classes best interest if I taught them how to use after effects to import their walk cycles. just some super easy techniques to get them started on something new.

I did this for two class periods from 12:30pm to 3:40pm . (3 hours and 20 mins)