Teaching Artist Practicum:

Placement #1: Urban Arts Academy, Preschool, Wednesday 12:45 - 4:15 (0 Hours)

Placement #2: Whittier International Elementary School, Teachers Susan Buchholz and Angela Olson, Kindergarten, Monday 12:00 - 3:00 (3 Hours)

Shadowing: Minneapolis Institute of Art, Angela Olson, No Shadowing Opportunity This Week

Urban Arts Academy - Preschool

Wednesday, May 8th, (0 Hours)

Placement Completed!

Whittier International Elementary - Kindergarten

Monday, May 13th, 12:00 - 3:00 (3 Hours)

Today I completed my placement at Whittier Elementary!! When I got there, Susan and I were talking about how great the weather was outside, and how it made us both not want to do anything - just sit outside! So while she went over some literature with the students and while they also had read to self time, I was set up in the back of the classroom helping two kids at a time plant seeds in their own individual, little pot! The class is now learning about seeds and what it takes to grow plants, which I think is really fun, and I was glad Susan put me in charge of this project. Each student sat down and got their own pot of soil which I had pre filled for them. I put their name on their pot and then they got the chance to decorate it with a variety of stickers! Afterwards I got to explain how plants grow and demonstrate how to plant the pea seeds. All the students were very eager to get their turn! I noticed their extreme love for stickers as well, they plastered them all over. I did this activity for the entirety of the time there, so my last day went very fast. Lots of the students didn’t want me to leave, so they showered me with hugs and thank you's before I left. It was a great last day to finish up my time at Whittier. I definitely learned so much from the students while I was there, it’s incredible how much you can take away from such small students. It was great seeing them grow both inside and outside, and Whittier is a place I’ll definitely cherish. Susan and Angela were so kind and open, and I really felt like a big help to them in the classroom and definitely felt like I belonged within the Kindergarten wing and teachers.

Minneapolis Institute of Art - Open Studio Day Shadowing

No Shadowing Opportunity This Week

Personal Update

Just a quick picture I took on my way to Whittier!
