Teaching Artist Practicum:

Placement #1: Urban Arts Academy, Preschool, Wednesday 1:15 - 4:00 (2.75 Hours)

Placement #2: Whittier International Elementary School, Teachers Susan Buchholz and Angela Olson, Kindergarten, Monday 12:15 - 3:00 (2.75 Hours)

Shadowing: Minneapolis Institute of Art, Angela Olson, No Shadowing Opportunity This Week

Urban Arts Academy - Preschool

Wednesday, March 6th 1:15 - 4:00 ( 2.75 Hours)

Wednesday, March 6th was sure a crazy one. The students recently got a new teacher, Miss Miriam, so they were very energetic and just all over the place when I was there. Since it was only me and this other teacher instead of two other head teachers it was sort of a struggle keeping them all under control, but as usual, the kids participated in clay, block building, some sort of loom type activity, drawing, and played with plastic animals at table stations. I noticed that kids this age, when one child tarts misbehaving, they think it is entertaining to watch us get frazzled, and they find another child to join them and egg each other on. When the students do this, it’s best just to ignore them for a little bit otherwise they act even worse. We managed to wrangle everyone up and go to the gym as well. The students were having a lot of fun, but they were also very destructive and kept breaking things because they thought it was funny. I have noticed that the kids are best behaved and sort of ‘calm bodies’ when they are being read to. It’s kind of a special bonding moment with the teacher. This has got me thinking how I can incorporate story telling into the self portrait tracing art lesson I have in mind for them. They really enjoy imagining being something other than a child. I’m wondering how this can relate! Although Urban Arts Academy is a lot of work, and I leave exhausted only after a few hours, I still really enjoy being there, and there’s certain kids I’ve made close connections with. I’ve come to accept and realize that the disobeying is normal for young children, since they are learning (almost) everything at this age in a social setting, so I personally have learned to embrace it and make the absolute most out of the time I spend there - because I know I’ll miss it next semester. I’ve also learned that it’s okay not to have every child participate in an activity, don’t force something. If an activity doesn’t get done, don’t dwell on it. We move forward, and maybe can tackle it another day. Writing this, I realized how important this is lately in terms of a busy schedule and stress. You can’t do everything in a day, and that’s okay sometimes - don’t be so hard on yourself.


Whittier International Elementary - Kindergarten

Monday, March 4th, 12:15 - 3:00 (2.75 Hours)

On Monday March 4th, I attended Whittier Elementary. It was another great day full of learning and observing. In the beginning, I worked with a few kinds on-on-one during read alone time. All of them are very eager to work with me during that time, and I notice that they really focus on using pictures to ‘read’ since they aren’t super good readers yet, and I think that will translate really well in my upcoming pennant project with them where we focus on symbols. It’s great getting to work with kids and communicate using pictures especially with the students who don’t use English as their first language, I think that’s such an interesting idea as humans. Afterwards, we created monsters out of paper and glue that they will be measuring during their next math class. The students are also learning about rhyming, so each student had to come up with a rhyming name for their monster. Susan and I assisted all the kids in cutting their monsters bodies and writing the names on the back of them. This also allowed me to realize that helping them cut their pennant projects in a few weeks with just Angela’s help should be quite manageable. I am in the process of completing my Planning Backwards Model, and can’t wait to collect supplies over Spring Break. I’m definitely starting to feel like I belong more in the classroom, which makes me eager to teach in a few weeks!

Minneapolis Institute of Art - Open Studio Day Shadowing

No Shadowing Opportunity This Week

Although there was no shadowing opportunity this week, I stopped in on Wednesday morning after work to complete paperwork with a man by the name of Mike to make my volunteer work at Mia more official and safe (legal wise). Afterwards, I met with Angela and we solidified a few dates/events in April for me to attend and double checked my hours - which I already have a lot of. Angela is super kind, and I really enjoy getting to work along with her for my shadowing opportunity!