(8 hours)

January Tuesday 28th

 During this stay I was with the single art teacher in the private school teaching k-8th

Prep 15 minutes before school started

During this time the teacher had brought out huge boxes of clay and showed me what the class for the afternoon needed. I had to cut 24 blocks of clay out of the two large blocks.

Homeroom: Middle School

This time the home room had another class join because their smart board had died and there was no way to show the daily news. I then learned that they were going to have to earn money to buy new smart boards for the classrooms

1st Period: 8th grade : 13 students

During this period I continued to cut clay chunks out of the blocks using a butter knife. It was surprisingly hard because it was just like pottery clay but an air dry version, after I cut them blocks I had to make them into balls for “pinch pots”

2nd period: 7th grade :12 students

This class I finished cutting the clay and then I went to cut out a couple more hearts for the kindergartners so they could learn about tints by painting the hearts. 

3rd period: 6th Grade :12 students

During this period i got to sit and talk with the teacher and learn about some nice new links for the future and learn something called the number game. It’s a game where the teacher turns around to face the class while behind them is a board full of numbers that are black and red. The student chooses a row of numbers and lists off the colors they are but not the number, they lie about one of the colors in the row. Then the teacher has to guess what number they lied about. There is a tick I’m still getting the hang of but no matter what the student lists off you are able to guess the right number each time. It is a good relationship building game, the students love it and have fun trying to stump the teacher. 

4th Period: 4th Grade : 7 students

This period Was a robotics demonstration, me and the art teacher ran around taking photos for the year book. It was a lot of fun watching the kids cheer for different robots to win a stacking game. 

5th Period: 5th Grade : 8 students

This period the art teacher went back to the class room and i stayed at the gym for the k-5 robotics demonstration. I got to take a ton of pictures of all of the smaller students and then a class photo for the kindergarteners.

6th period: Kindergarten : 6 students

During this time i went to the lunch room for the last lunch and took photos of the students in their Farming outfits for farm day. Instead of uniforms the students wore cowboy hats, overalls and plaid shirts. The smaller students had pigs on their faces and freckles painted on. It was fun to get photos for the year book at the lunch that day.