Please click on the headshot for her practicum journal!

McKennan Folkerts is pursuing a Furniture Design major as well as an Entrepreneurial Studies minor and Advertising minor at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She works primarily in fiber arts and strives to create a combination of furniture and sculptural installation work within a gallery space. McKennan’s work stems from material exploration and transformation. Before coming to MCAD, McKennan worked at the Washington Pavilion and Orpheum Theater in South Dakota as the Creative Director of Stage Makeup. As part of her job, she led classes for middle school and high school students to learn the art of theatrical makeup application. During freshman year of college she was invited to Lincoln High School as a teaching assistant for beginner drawing classes. Additionally, McKennan has an internship at Parcel Arts whose mission is to engage and empower people of all ages, skill levels, and abilities through accessible art making experiences. McKennan is primarily interested in teaching textile based courses for high school and adult education. She strives to work in nonprofit and community based programs in order to equip teens and adults with a way to express themselves artistically outside of a structured school curriculum.

Please click on the headshot for her practicum journal!