Residency- Juxtaposition Arts- Leslie-Drew-Kristen-5hrs

I had a couple meetings today. One consisted of the monthly checkup to make sure everything is going well. In this meeting we discussed the book Drew had put together in order to create a guide book for upcoming teaching artists to use as a resource. We went over the things each of us felt needed to be edited or fixed in terms of layout so that the book could be the best it could be.

In the second All Team Meeting DeAnna opened up session with a warm up activity in which we all were separated into groups to collaborate on a love story in light of valentines day. We took time in the meeting for all leads from each lab to do a presentation on the work they’re doing in terms of lessons, attendance, any issues that may occur during class (which there weren’t any), field trips and things we wish to have happen in future VALT sessions or for the future of Juxta.

After the meeting it was close to time for VALT to start. There was a low attendance because of the random snowfall. The students continued to work on their Gordon Parks drawings right away as they knew they had one more day to work on them.

One thing I took mental not of today was

-Active Listening


-Ask Students what strengths and weaknesses are

-Empathy Building