Holy Angels - 4 hours- Dan Dimond 

This week marks a new Trimester at Holy Angels. I think that this is a really good thing to come into- a fresh set of students and a new start on the curriculum. I am still working with Dan Dimond on Drawing/ Painting, and the AP studio art class.  Since the drawing/painting class is just getting started, on this day Dan was giving a lecture on sketchbooks. I think he has a very good approach to explaining what they are for- basically everything and anything. It is really interesting to go into a classroom where people are being taught what a sketchbook is for, since for the past four years I have been so immersed in art school. I forget that most people don't use sketchbooks!  At the end of the lecture I offered to flip through my current sketchbook to give the class a peek. They seemed pretty interested! 

In AP art, the students are starting to wrap up their Concentration and revisit their Breadth portfolios. Since that class is pretty much always work time, I have been chatting with students who are looking for some extra input on what their next step should be. I talked to a student who is not feeling to confident in her work- she seemed to be a bit of a perfectionist with the final product, but not liking what she made in the end. I suggested that she spend more time in the sketch process and to just make a lot of art without being so tight and careful about it.