MCTC, Painting 1 Thursday, January 23rd, (4 hours)

 I arrived early to talk to Laura about the program and expectations on her behalf. We chatted and helped to set up a still life that the students would be working from later in the class. I was caught up as to what the students have talked about and what the class will entail. We talked about potential lesson plans and how to best navigate the course schedule together. The class had just finished making color wheels and were going to start off the night by painting value scales. Laura asked me to create an example for the scales, so I spent the better part of the first hour completing it. I found myself really appreciating the exercise and had a few students reference my paper for their own work. I got less one-on-one time with the students than I would have liked just due to the specific project, however I did get to talk to a few people about what they were working on. After completing the scales, I was asked to create examples of thumbnails of the still-life for the next step of the class. After, I started composing a drawing in preparation for the painting. The class took a break and reconvened around my easel, where I was asked to explain the process of drawing thumbnails and beginning sketching. After, the class was tasked with starting their drawings while I moved on to painting. Laura and I talked about how useful it can be for some students to just see someone working while we cleaned up after class was dismissed. Next week, I will get to see the progress that was made and attempt to finish my own painting.