Now that classes have been in session for about two weeks now, I’m starting to get back into a schedule. I still have mixed feelings about having classes online but they are a reason to get dressed and get things done. I still haven’t done much art making aside from sanding down an old painting, but since my practice is heavily based in self care and coping, I think I will start using these journal entries to share what has been working for me in keeping myself going in this time, and hopefully building that up to making art again. Lately, what has been the most helpful for me is making lists; sometimes just random lists. This started as something I had to do for my Professional Practice class when we were asked to figure out what we would need to start a professional working studio, which for me turned into an imaginary spree, but through having to do this I started making lists about what I need around my apartment especially now that I do not have an on-campus studio space. It’s a surprisingly nice distraction at the moment. I also want to switch up what I initially planned to teach at Avivo, and create a new project for them surrounding art as a coping mechanism, although I haven’t worked out the details yet. I’m still trying to get back into a routine and some days are better than others and I want to find a way to share something with others without sacrificing my well-being to get it done.