
Dear readers,

This week was a difficult one, for many reasons. Not a half an hour after the purchase of a non-refundable bus ticket, my brother calls me and tells me there is something wrong with the car’s coolant system on a Thursday night. The car that I was going to take back up to Minneapolis upon my arrival home is now decommissioned until I can get it into the shop… the following Thursday being the earliest available time slot.

This is a cosmic intervention telling me I need to spend time with my overheating brother. The one who has been driving this car for the past three weeks forgetting to add the compatible type of coolant.

Teaching moments arise when one let’s themselves learn from the cosmos pushing and pulling the fates of all of those intertwined. But these moments ONLY arise when we are paying attention to what is happening around us. Our awareness is directly linked to our ability to spread a positive influence in this world. As long as we are paying attention, we can lift each other up to the heavens.

Questions I asked myself :

- Do we have what it takes to wake up?

-How much wood could a wood-chuck chuck, if a wood-chuck could chuck wood?