During Monday's meeting with the Illustrator, Chloe, the Illustrator and I opened the meeting with the Illustrator being excited to show us a story she had drafted up in her notes app that morning. She showed us by sharing the screen of her iPad over Zoom and reading the story aloud. Once the Illustrator was finished reading and we finished sharing our feedback to her, Chloe then began to introduce an illustration prompt of creating a book cover. This was a specific prompt for book cover that included a princess and a goblin narrative. This session was super fun, filled with many giggles and laughter because the Illustrator was drawing her version of the “goblin” using a reference of Gary Spongebob’s pet snail from Spongebob Square Pants. 

On Thursday, I was not able to join AJ's artist group because AJ was gone for that day. However, Thursday was also my first time joining Chloe Russell’s Illustration class. There were a few participants who joined and a couple of familiar faces. There were a couple of new folks whom I was introduced to during this session as well. Today’s agenda was creating repeating patterns with Illustration. The MSS Minnesota’s Arts Program Director also popped into the zoom meeting to observe the class. During the zoom class my laptop lost connection so I had to rejoin the class with my phone’s cellular data at first and then rejoin again when once my laptop regained wifi. This made it difficult for me to properly observe the class. But from what I was able to observe despite the wifi problems was all the class members were engaged and excited about the topic, each producing some beautiful illustrations that could be turned into potential patterns.