Residency 1-Whittier Elementary School-Jane Swatosh (9hrs)

This week at Whittier, the kids started a new unit in math; algebra, and they loved it! As it follows a logical methodology, they found it easier to understand than geometry. I worked with various students individually. As I have been working with the students repeatedly, I have noticed that while some catch on quickly, others struggle to keep up. With just a little extra attention, they would be able to stay at the same pace as the rest of the class. In a class of thirty students though, with just one main teacher managing the class, it’s challenging to give them the time that they need. It made me think about what strategies can be used to help them understand the concepts they are learning better, for example, visualization; thinking of division as distributing chocolates between friends. I’ve also noticed that when Ms. Swatosh has another teacher helping the students with math, then the kids can be divided up into groups and extra time can be given to those who require it. 

This week the kids were also learning about the functioning of the government. They learnt about how representatives of the house and senate are distributed amongst the state, as well as the process by which a bill becomes a law. They were actively interested in learning about this, and asked pertinent questions that helped them connect theory to the real-world. One student suggested understanding the hierarchy of the government by comparing it to the hierarchy amongst students, teachers, and the principle in a school. I thought this was a clever way of making it relevant to oneself to understand it better. Ms. Swatosh makes her slides engaging for the students by helping them to visualize process through diagrams and videos. 

Additionally this week, I worked on my lesson plan and accumulated materials to teach at Whittier. The lesson is called - A Shoe’s Perspective - and I’m excited to share it with the kids next week!