Residency - Children’s Residential Treatment Center - Carmen Elate - 6 hours

Again, some students are still working on their films! On Tuesday, I did a really brief demo on how to record sound through FlipAClip. One of the annoying features is that you can’t watch the animation while you record at the same time, which I expected some students might want. So, what I decided to do is AirDrop a copy of the animation to my laptop, so they have a second screen to look at while recording.

But now, I’ve collected a few of those who have finished with the audio and I’m so excited to see them all coming together, and they are as well! We’re aiming to have all the animations done by May 16th, so we can have a community screening at the Friday gathering.

Carmen and I discussed perhaps having a gallery of screenshots from the student’s animations with a separate blurb about it at the bottom, and to display it in the large community lounge. I love this idea since the screening will only last so long, but this will be nice as a visual to keep up for longer.

Carmen said that she did this last year with the student’s stop motion animations, and people loved it! So, I think we’re going to work with the students to perhaps do that and it’d be nice for visitors and parents to see if they can’t come to the screening.

Total: 6 hours

Other than that, that’s all!

Here’s my Digital Illustration final that is done! (One week early YAY). We had to make a gif out of a few topics I chose Guilty pleasure being my guilty pleasure of playing online dress up games. I always loved them as a kid and I’ll sometimes still play them when I’m bored or need some inspiration :)