Shadowing - Little Earth Native Youth Arts Collective - Heidi Haferman - 2.5 hours

We got into our groups and discussed the specifics of our collaborative project, including materials, timeline, locations, and scheduling. Also, we added two other group members to our project, which is exciting!

We checked out our exhibit space that was reserved, but I suggested that we try to create it in a more “cubical-like” area. This way, the installation itself can be a piece as well as creating the aesthetic of a safe space for viewers.

After some planning, each group went up to the front and shared their project to get feedback. Some issues that arose were concerns about is this really “collaboration”? We want to have respect for our mediums, and obviously don't want to force anybody to do something they don't want to, but the theme has to mingle between them; i.e. do they flow well together or is it just art on a wall? So, a lot of groups, including ours, will be working on that!

Residency - Children’s Residential Treatment Center - Carmen Elate - 6 hours

Students are still working on stop-motion animations and they’re turning out so beautiful! So proud of them! I’m excited to see them all combined next Friday.

Also, I talked to Carmen a bit about the lesson plan and some ideas we could toss around. I explained different types of 2D animation, if we’ll do traditional or digital, and to keep in mind the timeline. I’ll definitely be working on an example piece soon and hopefully that’ll guide me more into the right direction because as of right now, my head’s a little scattered with ideas that aren't matching up together quite well.

Total: 8.5 hours

Other than that, here are my Creature Designs for Character Design! We had to integrate two animals and a plant :)
