Little Earth Natives Youth Arts Collective - Heidi Haferman - 0.0 hours

We will be meeting this Tuesday at 12:30pm before going to Little Earth Wednesday at 5pm. Heidi, Eleni, Courtney, and I will be discussing possible points of college experiences to talk about for the students.

Heidi informs us, “our students bring equal knowledge to the table; what they lack is the opportunity to navigate a college experience. They are the experts on their community, and we want this collaboration to empower them to advocate for their concerns, while also having an authentic college experience”

I’ll be brainstorming and writing out some ideas I might have before Tuesday.

El Colegio High School - Peter Glaser - 0.0 hours

I’ll be starting at El Colegio this Tuesday - kind of nervous, but excited! I’ll be taking a bus route to El Colegio in the meantime because of weather.

Peter sent me his teaching sequences, included with the standard codes. I took a look through it to re-familiarize myself to the terms and vocabulary used in physics. Also, I took some time to look at articles about the integration of physics and animation to see if I could find more information I didn’t already know.

Here are some of the articles I plan to come back to:

Other than that, that’s all I’ve got! Here’s a WIP of a character design assignment where we have to replicate different animation style - it’s not as easy as it looks!
