Residency - Weaver Lake Elementary

This week I had my class with Aki and we all shared where we are in our residency placements right now. I learned about all my other classmates' residencies and how they are going. One thing that stood out to me was in one of my classmate’s placements, they are using art projects to teach other life skills which I thought was a smart way to use art lessons. I talked to my class about teaching a lesson because I was one of the first to teach a lesson to their residency placement. In my residency at Weaver Lake, I mostly observed Judi teach and made examples for Judi. One project Judi’s class will be doing is tessellation art. She is using this project for them to learn about transformations in math and connecting art to math and history. It connects to math because it is using shapes and transformations to create their pieces and it connects to history because it links to Ancient Rome and Islamic art. Other than creating examples of tessellation art, I created a title banner for my lesson that I taught the students, I hung up all their work in the hall under the banner I made.